Friday, April 28, 2023

April 24 - 28

 Science - Flight

I can conduct tests of glider designs! I can create different gliders and modify them so that it will go further or stay up longer.

We had a lot of fun this week making different paper airplanes and testing them outside! We made 4 different gliders and tested each of them. We measured how far our gliders flew. Some made it over 20 meters! After we did a few trials, we made modifications on our gliders to see if we could change how it worked. Could we make it fly to the right? Stay up longer? Spin?

Friday, April 21, 2023

April 17 - 20

This week we started taking a deeper look into poetry. We were given 3 poems and we needed to find as many examples of figurative language as we could. In grade 6, we need to be able to identify a simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration, synecdoche, and idioms. We did a great job find examples of these in the challenging poems! We also thought about what the author meant when they used each of the figures of speech.

Friday, April 14, 2023

April 11 - 14

 I can explain how air movement across an air foil results in life - Bernoulli's Principle

This week, we took a deeper look at how air speed and air pressure creates lift. We first made a prediction on what would happen if Mrs. Drever blew air between 2 balloons. Would the balloons move away from each other or come together? A low pressure area was created between the balloons when she tried to blow them apart. The faster air moved between the balloons, creating a low-pressure zone! 

We are really excited to test different paper airplanes next week and continue looking into Bernoulli's Principle and how things fly!

Sunday, April 9, 2023

April 3-7

 In math we have started exploring fractions:

I can demonstrate an understanding of fractions by using concrete, pictorial and symbolic representations
I can create sets of equivalent fractions
I can compare fractions with like and unlike denominators

We practiced these skills using a variety of puzzles and problem solving tasks. For example, students were posed with the problem: If the yellow, hexagon pattern block is worth 1 whole, create a design worth 2 5/6.

In grade 6, we are also started to get prepared for the upcoming Provincial Election. 

I can understand the structure and function of the Provincial Government including the roles and responsibilities of the Lieutenant Governor, Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), Premier, Spreaker, and Cabinet Ministers. 

As a class we read some information about the different roles and took a look at the seating plan in Alberta's Legislature. This opened up great conversation about the make-up of our current government and the upcoming election. Some new vocabulary we learned: contituency and constituent.

The students showed their understanding of different roles in the Provincial Government by creating a business card mock-up. Moving forward, we will learn about how bills are passed in the legislature, the history of voting in Canada, the process of campaigning for an election, and students will even get to cast their private vote through Student Vote along with the actual Election on May 29.

June 19 - 23

Happy second last week of Grade 6! National Indigenous Peoples Day was this week on Wednesday June 21. As it's National Indigenous Histo...