Friday, March 24, 2023

March 20 - 24

This week we painted our amazing turtle bowls that we made with Clay For Kids! We can't wait to take them home after spring break! 

I can use paint in combination with other media and techniques. 

I can use paint to create impasto effects.

We hope everyone has a wonderful spring break! See you on April 3rd!

Friday, March 17, 2023

March 13 - 17

 This week we started exploring area and perimeter. We reviewed the formula for perimeter: s + s + s + s or 2 x length + 2 x width, and the formula for area: length x width. We really enjoyed solving open-ended word problems using manipulatives!

1) Come up with as many different designs as you can with 1 red (2 cm), 2 light green (3 cm), and 1 pink (4cm) cuisenaire rods.  Find the largest and smallest perimeters.

2) Create a 6 sided figure with an area of 24 square units without using any rod shorter than a light green rod.

3) Create an 8 sided figure with an area of 28 square units, and a perimeter of 24 square units.  Use no rod shorter than a light green rod or longer than a yellow rod.

4) Use exactly 8 rods (no rod shorter than a red rod or longer than a dark green rod) to create an 8 sided figure with an area of 35 square units and a perimeter of 42 units.

Friday, March 10, 2023

March 6 - 10

 Thank you to all families who came to school conferences this week! It was so nice to talk about your child's progress and share their learning! Please remember to return the blue folders on Monday and complete the 2 stars and a wish if you haven't done so already!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

February 27 - March 3

 Level Up - Achievement Unlocked!

This week we found out the Minecraft Building Challenge! We were given a choice of 4 locations in Calgary to enhance or create: 

Fort Calgary

Sien Lok Park 

Green Line underground station

Outdoor space at the downtown Calgary Public Library

Before we are able to begin our build, we need to do some research! First, we were given the Calgary Councils Strategic Direction document and summarized the document in our Minecraft groups. We explored the Council's Guiding Principles and Focus Areas.

Once students had a good understanding of the City of Calgary priorities and they familiarized themselves with the requirements of their build site, it was time to work with their group members to jot down ideas for their design. For each idea, students had to explain how it supports vibrancy and sustainability and how it makes a connection to economic resilience and/or social resilience and/or climate resilience. 

We can't wait to continue working on building and designing our build sites!

June 19 - 23

Happy second last week of Grade 6! National Indigenous Peoples Day was this week on Wednesday June 21. As it's National Indigenous Histo...