Sunday, October 30, 2022

Oct 24 - 27

 We hope everyone had a wonderful and restful weekend. The Grade 6s had an amazing experience at Outdoor School this week! Our days were filled with activities, games, and learning. Here are just a few of the amazing things we got up to this week:

  • Gaga ball
  • Tree study - Trembling Aspen, Balsam Poplar, White Spruce
  • Energy game - which was so much fun! Ask us to explain the energy web
  • Connector activity
  • Sky Science - we were lucky enough to be able to see the Milky Way and hear a Greek Mythology legend about the Big and Little Dipper
  • Night Watchers - walking through the forest at night to see and hear it from a different perspective
  • Archery!
  • Orienteering - we walked through the forest using a map looking for landmarks! Not as easy at it seemed
  • Camp Fire - where we had delicious treats and learned new songs (we are sure you've heard a few of them by now!)
More pictures to come!!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Oct 17 - 21

 I can explain how the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect the collective rights of citizens in Canada.

This week, we took a deeper investigation into the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We began by discussing what we already know about the Charter. We then chose a right or freedom that we would be responsible for, e.g. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly. After that, we broke into small groups and read information about that particular right or freedom. We collaborated in our groups to come up with real life examples of people exercising that right or freedom. We then took that information and created a written piece. The written portion was inspired by the Important Book. After camp, we will be putting all of our pieces together to create a class Charter of Rights and Freedoms Important Book.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Oct 10 - 14

 This week, we continued our investigation into our Trees and Forest unit. We learned the differences between Coniferous trees and Deciduous trees (ask us what the differences are!). We then went to our Learning Grounds and did a 'Zoom In' journal activity of two deciduous trees and one coniferous tree. We focused on adding details, especially to the leaves, needles, and pine cones. We are going to try to accurately name our trees after our tree research project!

I can identify characteristics that distinguish deciduous from coniferous trees.

I can identify characteristics of trees found in my local environment.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Oct 3 - 7

We had a great week! This week, we took a deeper look into our Trees and Forests unit. We began our week by annotating articles about the oxygen cycle and photosynthesis. While we were reading, we learned how to predict, question, clarify and summarize, which strengthens our comprehension skills. We then took our new learning of how plants produce oxygen and created a visual journal page illustrating our understanding. 

 I can describe the role of trees in nutrient cycles and in the production of oxygen.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Mrs. Gordon; September 26-29

 English Language Arts

I can summarize the connections among ideas, events, settings, and characters in texts

I can experience texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres

Social Studies

I can use primary sources to interpret historical events and issues

I can use examples of events to describe change over time

At Andrew Sibbald School, we are committed to helping staff and students deepen their understanding of Indigenous cultures. Our school has made a commitment to acknowledging and supporting the TRC’s Calls to Action. Using the Wholistic Lifelong Learning Framework, we are committed to the actions of building staff and student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. We are committed to: 

·       Building our collective understanding through story by connecting with Elders & Indigenous people and through the use of picture books. 

·       Encouraging Wholistic teaching and learning to thrive while learning from the land in our learning grounds and nearby Fish Creek Park. 

·       Creating a cultural space and documentation boards to honour the work and make public our commitment to truth and reconciliation.



We focused on two pieces of literature and a nonfiction article this week to connect to our existing understanding of the experiences of Canadian First Nations people over time. 


While listening to Spirit of the White Bison, students used their comprehension skills to question, summarize, clarify, predict, connect, and visualize. We discussed our learning about Canadian Treaties from Krystal and Elder Clarence at Library School. Listening to how life changed from the perspective of the White Bison contributed to our understanding of this part of Canadian history. Students created a visualizer page in their journals depicting their ideas of the images in the book while we read and wrote a summary of the novel when we finished reading. 


We also spent time reading The Orange Shirt Story by Phyllis Webstad. Using critical thinking skills, and connecting this history to the other texts we have experienced, students were asked to create a visual journal page depicting a colour, symbol, and image to represent The Orange Shirt Story. 

June 19 - 23

Happy second last week of Grade 6! National Indigenous Peoples Day was this week on Wednesday June 21. As it's National Indigenous Histo...